Using theShoutbox

The Witness Shoutbox is a fast and simple way to leave messages for other Witness fans and band members. It can also support a real-time chat, if more than one user is online at the same time. It is an old fashion HTML chat room, so it will work on any computer without downloading anything first, and works behind most all firewalls. Here are some simple notes about how it operates as well as some general rules:

When you first arrive at the Shoutbox, you will be able to view recent posts from other people. You do not need to sign in.

If you want to participate in a chat, please fill in your name in the box that says "Guest", then click on "Start Chat."

If you do not want to have your name shown, simply click on "Start Chat" and you will be logged in as a guest.

Posts are displayed with the most recent at the top of the page.  

Post time stamps are GMT, so subtract for Eastern Time, Central Time, etc.  

The page automatically refreshes every 6 seconds. If you posted a comment, it may take 6 seconds before you see it. (Others may see it before you do)

If you would like to read through the whole page (from bottom to top,) you can turn off the page refresh by clicking on
 "Switch to Manual Refresh." This prevents the page from jumping to the top as it is not being refreshed. Because it is not being refreshed, you will not see new posts by yourself or anyone else. You can hit "Manual Refresh" to see new posts, or you can select "Switch to Auto" to return to the automatic refresh.

When you first arrive, you may want to switch to Manual until you have a chance to read the old posts, the switch back to Auto to see if there are any new posts, or to start chatting with other visitors.

Post length is limited to about 200 characters, or two lines of text. If your post is longer, it will be clipped off at the end.


Certain words are not allowed and will result in your post being automatically deleted. 

The IP address of your computer does get recorded when you post, but is not displayed. (This is now true with ALL chat forums.)

We ask that you pick a name and stick with it. Multiple names are deceiving to our other visitors, and overuse will cause the system to begin automatically blocking your computer if too many names are used from the same IP address.

Rude, insulting, and obnoxious comments may result in a moderator banning you from the room. Moderator's word is final.

People who are serving as moderators may or may not be visible to other users. If they are visible, their names will appear in red.

Moderators may post messages that are only visible to you. These posts appear in green and can not be seen by others.

If you would like to send a message that is only visible to a moderator, start your post using two @ signs. Example:
@@ do you know who guest number two is?  Your post will not be visible on the chat room, but a moderator can see it.

Hyperlinks and advertising HTML are filtered out by design, although text based links will show. 

Spamming and flaming will result in being banned from the room.

If you have done something that causes the Auto Administrator software to ban you by accident, please Email us.

Thank You, and Enjoy!